Training courses
Our courses are for LAMB staff, Government officers and other NGO personnel in the fields of health and development. There is an enormous need for skilled health care workers in Bangladesh, and in particular for nurses, midwives and other trained birth attendants.
Diploma in Midwifery Course
Our course content has been set by the Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council. It includes normal pregnancy birth, postnatal care and newborn care. The strength of LAMB’s course is the practice opportunities and clinical skills gained through accompanying women throughout the childbirth experience. The course follows participatory methods in class, using skill labs with models for early basic skill development.
The Labour Room and Antenatal Clinics are key practical training areas. Midwifery trainees on the 3-year course rotate through LAMB Hospital and Union Clinics providing safe, clean, normal deliveries. In the third year, students spend several weeks in community Safe Delivery Units, learning to recognise when processes deviate from normal and require referral to medical care.
Midwifery students live in the LAMB Training Centre with a housemother in residence and are invited to participate in all of LAMB’s recreation events. Students help plan a number of advocacy opportunities related to women’s issues as well as raising the profile of midwifery.
Academic Site for BRAC University through 2021
LAMB was one of the partner organisations of James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University and the Developing Midwives Project (DMP). The DMP 2012-2016, developed a competent and compassionate group of diploma midwives to work in the underserved rural and urban areas. After 2021 LAMB expects to carry on running the training independent of BRAC-U, and will continue to offer scholarship programmes to allow women access to this professional opportunity.
For details on dates, timetables, costs, and application information for the Midwifery course please contact training@lambproject.org.
Diploma in Nursing
In March 2012 LAMB opened a Nursing Institute to train nurses to work in hospital and community health settings.
The LAMB 3-year nursing course is certified by the Government and admits 30 students per year. With on-site clinical training in both hospital and clinic settings LAMB also provides accommodation and classrooms for the students. While most of our students are female, men are encouraged and welcomed to apply.
Nursing students live in a separate hostel with a housemother in residence and are invited to participate in all of LAMB’s recreation events. Students provide invaluable help in staffing the hospital, and voluntarily contribute to LAMB’s humanitarian response work by helping make food packets when needed.
The Nursing Course supports Bangladesh’s advancement toward the Sustainable Development Goals. It contributes to the WHO Health Systems Strengthening component of Health Workforce development.
Governance and support
LAMB’s Nursing Institute graduates are registered with the Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council.
If you have any questions about the Nursing Institute, or would like to find out about timetables and costs to make a booking, please email training@lambproject.org
Primary Health Course
Aimed at developing village-level workers whose primary responsibilities include health promotion and disease prevention, as well as home-based services. This course covers motivating mothers to access antenatal services, skilled attendance at delivery and postpartum care. It teaches students how to recognise complications of delivery, providing essential newborn care and how to refer cases.
Other courses available for Health Care workers:
Helping Babies Breathe (HBB)
Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF)
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)
Modified version of the Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics course (ALSO)
Hospital Support Providers Course
Aimed at building specific skills related to hospital and clinical health care. LAMB has been training ancillary staff since its hospital opened in 1983.
Medical and Physio Assistant courses,
Medical Specialist courses, and
Laboratory staff practical courses are offered.
Other Courses
Training of Trainers (ToT) to transform professionals into trainers for their professional skills, focused on clinical training.
Professional courses tailored to organisational need. For example: Kangaroo Care implementation and Perinatal Death Audit.
If you have any questions about our training courses, or would like to make a booking, please email training@lambproject.org