Obstetrics and Gynaecology
LAMB has a strong commitment to obstetrics and gynaecology because of our vision to serve women and children.
Many babies in the North West region of Bangladesh are delivered at home. Increasingly more are born in Safe Delivery Units in LAMB community areas and in the rapidly-growing for-profit private clinic sector. Maternity cases are referred by the LAMB Hospital Antenatal Clinic, community clinics, other hospitals, and through self-motivated and emergency arrivals.
In the 8 bed labour and delivery room at the Obstetrics Unit we deliver nearly 2,500 babies every year. 60% of these moms have risk factors for their delivery. Common problems in pregnant mothers include diabetes, and pre-eclampsia. The relatively young age of many first time mothers increases problems and risks.
Our team has 12 doctors (National and expatriate) and more than 16 advanced nurse-midwives giving respectful obstetric care, supporting mothers in their labor and delivery and giving newborn care. Doctors are available 24/7 for managing complications caesarean sections (around 24% of deliveries) and assisted vaginal deliveries (around 10%).
Emergency gynaecology work includes complications of early-pregnancy. LAMB administers elective gynaecological procedures such as endometrial biopsy and abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy as well as ovarian operations. For prolapse surgeries we receive funds from Proshanti (Australia), so that we can offer these operations free of charge to those mostly poor patients.
LAMB Hospital is a centre for Female Genital Fistula repair operations. These operations aim to restore the capability of a normal life to women who have suffered internal damage. And to restore dignity, as the women tend to suffer serious social stigma through perceived uncleanliness. LAMB has surgeons trained in fistula repair operations, and welcomes visiting surgeons who hold intensive ‘camps’ to operate on patients with complicated fistula.
LAMB receives invaluable financial support from Women’s Hope International (Swiss), and UNFPA to enable these operations to be carried out free for the patients.
Another area that causes social stigma in Bangladesh is the inability to have children. LAMB provides a small infertility service for women who are unable to conceive.