The LAMB Paediatric Unit cares for babies and children up to 12 years old though Outpatient and Inpatient facilities.
22% of babies born in Bangladesh are Low Birth Weight – less than 2.5kg/ 5lbs 9oz
1 in 27 babies dies in their first month of life
1 in 15 children dies before their 5th birthday
It is estimated that 33% of children under 5 years old are stunted (short for their age)
LAMB implements the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) – a World Health Organisation programme. Our hospital attained UNICEF and WHO’s ‘baby friendly’ status in 1997.
LAMB’s Paediatric facilities:
A 34 bed Paediatric Ward with designated areas for intensive care, diarrhoea, malnutrition and burn care
7 Paediatric doctors
Paediatric nurses, some of whom have studied additional 6 month specialised paediatric training at LAMB Hospital
Outpatients Paediatric Clinic
Neonatal (newborns) Ward, including CPAP and 5 phototherapy units for treatment of neonatal jaundice
Newborn Babies
Babies delivered at LAMB Hospital are often low birth weight. We promote immediate care and exclusive breastfeeding, Kangaroo Mother Care (implemented at LAMB since 1998) is practiced for all babies under 1800g birth weight. Read more here
Babies who are not breathing are immediately resuscitated by advanced nurse-midwives and midwives using ‘Helping Babies Breathe’ protocol.
A number of LAMB’s nurses and medical assistants have taken a LAMB-developed Neonatal Care course.