Management Information Services (MIS)
MIS staff collect data from the Hospital and from LAMB Community activities, to analyse and provide information to enable better monitoring of programmes, better understanding of findings, and to provide information for strategic development.
Recent outcomes of the MIS team:
Reporting health status of >10,000 community and 2,500 hospital deliveries per year
Antenatal: birth preparedness, vaccination, nutrition
Delivery: skilled birth attendance mortality rates, referral link
Postnatal: care received
Maternal and perinatal mortality rates
Working with other departments
to report indicators giving evidence of changing health statu
designing data collection sheets to improve data quality and completeness
Designing new data collection tools
for household survey and maternal neonatal registers including socio-economic status
Working with Poor Fund assistants to improve documentation of patient status hospital assessments for data entry
Policy, Influence, Advocacy
Provided data for policy influence work that LAMB has presented at forums with the Government and other NGOs
Provided data for the hospital accreditation process leading to LAMB being recognised as a post-graduate training institute for doctors by the Bangladesh College of Physicians & Surgeons
Undertook the data collection and analysis for an evaluation of the pilot Perinatal Death Audit process in 17 Government facilities
Community leadership
Produced data for the feedback that LAMB provides to community leaders, staff and health care providers on the current state of health in their communities.
Community engagement and spiritual health
Transcribed and translated LAMB’s Community Health and Development Programme (CHDP) Knowledge, Attitude, Practice surveys about accessible health and social systems.
Worked with CHDP and Lamb Hospital to improve the referral system documentation for feedback, eg in identifying barriers to health-seeking behaviour that limits accessibility
Carried out action research to help communities address mental health problems associated with risk for suicide
Worked with a linguistic specialist to report information about the primary language spoken by patients at LAMB Hospital
Improving data collection about religious affiliation of hospital patients