Sustainable Leadership Programme

This programme aims to see community leaders, health care providers, religious leaders and heads of families take responsibility for health and justice in their communities, advocating for and applying Biblical values.

The knowledge and skills involved in managing community health resources is not common in the local communities around LAMB. We are actively involved in training and developing informal leaders, gathered in ‘Community Clinic Management Committees’ or ‘[Union name] Social Development Foundations’. These groups take great interest in the health situation of their communities, and the strength of local health systems.

LAMB develops professional, management, and leadership skills with leaders: elected, appointed, and informal, and health and development professionals both within and outside LAMB. The leaders gain sufficient knowledge and practical skills to take on supervisory roles in their communities for activities related to health.

Training includes primary health and health system understanding, financial management, skilled staff recruitment and management, reporting, and relationship management with the Government and other bodies.

Leaders identify struggles in communities and families to achieve health and justice and apply values that counter cultural narratives. There are three main areas of training for leaders in our own LAMB community and in the communities that we serve and work with:

  • Christian Leadership Development - LAMB and other organisations

  • LAMB staff leadership - vision and direction, resource management, advocacy and change management.

  • Community leadership - training, regular meetings mentoring/coaching for clinic management committees and coordination committees