Health Access Programme

An overarching goal of LAMB is to improve the health of those most in need, especially women, children, and the poorest of the poor. It contributes to this through providing quality services made accessible to poor, marginalised and vulnerable people groups. Subsidies are provided at both hospital and community clinics by generous local and international donations and fees collected from those able to pay.

Identifying the Poorest and Marginalised and Subsidising Care

This starts by identifying the poorest people in the community and making them aware of LAMB Hospital subsidies. And developing a sustainable community and hospital fund supported by incomes from donations, patient fees and supplies from the Government of Bangladesh.

Working with data to identify barriers that prevent vulnerable groups such as women and children from accessing health care. Disaggregated health service use and impact data according to age groups, ethnicity, and disability can provide insights into vulnerable populations remaining unreached.

High Quality, Low-Cost

Access to health care is improved and made possible by providing appropriate drug, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. This requires regular analysis of diagnostic and treatment options for cost effectiveness and sustainability. Staffing number and types of professionals also must be supported by data-driven choices. Costing services accurately allows fees to be set appropriately, always seeking to ensure services remain accessible to those most in need.